In addition to his translations, Arnau also cultivated the vast majority of the medical literature genres, both theoretical and practical: commentaries o the authorities, theoretical treatises, aphorisms, summa or compendia – both theoretical (speculum) and practical (practica)–, the consilium or specific treatment for a given patient, monographs specialising in an illness, health regimens and perhaps the antidotaries. Based on internal or external references, along with several explicit dates, there have been attempts to devise an approximate timeline of Arnau’s medical words, but this is more difficult than establishing the dates of the religious works given that most of them do not state the year in which they were written. Internal references also shed light on the title of two lost works: Epistola de elementis and De integritate medicine, in addition to several commentaries.  On the other hand, Arnau’s widespread fame as a physician led many anonymous works or works by other less famous authors to be attributed to him for centuries, not only on medicine but also on other areas of knowledge, such as oneiromancy, agronomy and alchemy. Recent research has purged the majority of these apocrypha from the Arnaldian corpus, but there are still some works whose authenticity remains in dispute.

Illustration: General edition of the medical and alchemical works attributed to Arnau de Vilanova, Basilea, 1585 (Universitat de Barcelona).