From 16 to 19 June 2025, the event will be held under the title ‘Towards Environmental and Spatial Justice: The Role of Geography and Territorial Planning’ and will combine the XXIV Polish-Mexican Symposium and the V Polish-Colombian Symposium. For more details, click here.
Second meeting of the Doctoral College was marked by a focus on migration in realities such as the Spanish one. Under the title ‘Innovation and public policies: possibilities in the face of emerging crises. La dimensión nativista de las propuestas de reforma del EB en Europa: El caso de VOX en España’, Dr. Manuel Sanchez […]
Seminar Julio Carabaña, Many or few PhDs? A study on the labour market insertion of recent PhD graduates in Argentina (Martín Unzué, IIGG-UBA). Wednesday 15 January at the Complutense University of Madrid.
XII Conference of Sociology of the UNLP. The pre-conferences will be held on Tuesday 3 December from 3pm. We will begin with the presentation of the Documentary Fund ‘Horacio Pereyra’, from which we seek to reconstruct traces of the history of sociology in our faculty. At 16.00 hs we will continue with a round table […]
12 November 2024. Direct worker participation and psychosocial risks at work: a dialogue between scientific-technical knowledge and knowledge derived from trade union experience Over the last decades, working methods inspired by direct participation have spread in workplaces (private and public institutions). This term refers to work management practices that involve some kind of decentralisation of […]
On 5, 6 and 7 March 2025, the IV Conference on Sociology will be held at the National University of Mar del Plata. On this occasion only extended abstracts will be received, therefore, the table coordinators may reject, accept or indicate that they could be presented at another table. Each participant may submit up to […]
Seminar on social inequalities in Argentina in the context of INCASI2, held on 4 October 2024 at the National University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina).