De fine mundi (“On the end of the world”). A fragment in Catalan has been conserved. Responsio contra BernardumSicardi (“Response against Bernat Sicart”). Confessio coram Episcopum Barchinonae (“Confession to the Bishop of Barcelona”). Ad Iacobum II ante 1306 (“To Jaume II, before 1306”). Ad Iacobum II ante nov. 1307 (“To Jaume II, before November 1307”). Ad Iacobum II ante jul. 1308 (“To Jaume II, before July 1308). Ad Philippum Franciae de Templariis (“To Philip of France on the Templars”). Ad magistrum Iacobum Albi (“To master Jaume Blanc”). Ad Raimundum Conesa 27 julii 1310 (“To Raimon Conesa, 27 July 1310”). Codicillus testamento appositus (“Codicil added to will”, 1308). Lectio Cathaniae (“Lesson of Catania”). Lectio Almariae (“Lesson of Almeria”).

in Tratatus de virtutibus herbarum, Vicenza, 1491.