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RTV Slovenija


RTV Slovenija is a very important institution.

RTV stands for Radio and Television.

RTV Slovenija is very important for Slovenia and its culture.

It is an old institution.

The listeners were first able to hear Radio Slovenija 90 years ago.

The viewers were first able to watch

Television Slovenija programmes 60 years ago.

RTV Slovenija was called RTV Ljubljana then.

Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia.



RTV Slovenija has 8 radio channels

and 5 television channels.

3 television channels are national.

That means they are for all citizens of Slovenia.

1 channel is in Italian.

That channel is for Italians who live in Slovenia.

1 channel is in Hungarian.

That channel is for Hungarians who live in Slovenia.

Italians and Hungarians who live in Slovenia

are called minorities.



RTV Slovenija also has Teletext.

Teletext looks a little bit like the Internet.

It is information you can get on your TV screen.

Teletext shows news, weather,

RTV schedules and other information.

Viewers can also get subtitles for programmes on Teletext.

Teletext has been around for a long time.


Accessible information

The Multimedia Centre of RTV Slovenija is another useful thing.

The Multimedia Centre is on the Internet.

It has many applications.

Some of the applications help people with disabilities. 

People with disabilities also watch television.

They have the right to information.


People who are deaf or do not hear well,

can use subtitles.

Subtitles are texts on the screen

which explain talking and sounds. 

Most of the programmes have subtitles.

More than 1 hour a day,

the channel is interpreted in Slovene sign language.

That means that a person on the screen

is signing what the sounds are. 


For people who are blind or cannot see well,

TV Slovenija has a channel with audio description.

There is a special new audio channel for people

who are blind or cannot see well.

People can turn the audio channel on the television sets.


Then they can listen to audio subtitles

and descriptions of some films.


RTV Slovenija also has a special service

for accessibility of radio and TV programmes.


RTV Slovenija is part of

2 Erasmus+ projects for accessibility.

One project is called ADLAB PRO

(Audio Description:

a laboratory for the development of a new professional profile.)

ADLAB PRO started in year 2016

and will end in 2019.

The second project is EASIT.

EASIT is the short form for Easy Access for Social Inclusion Training.

EASIT started in 2018

and will finish in 2021.


Working together

RTV Slovenija is a member of EBU.

EBU stands for European Broadcaster Union.

That means that RTV Slovenija works with

other European national radios and televisions,

independent producers,

Universities and other organizations.


Who has written this information?

Veronika Rot has written this text.

Veronika Rot works at RTV Slovenija.

You can write her an e-mail

if you have questions about RTV Slovenija.


Her e-mail address is: