CONEXIONES. Iberian-American Journal of communication admits for submission the following original works: 1) academic articles, 2) summaries of documents related to communication field from the Iberian- American area, and 3) reviews on books pub-lished in the year of issue of the journal.
Articles submitted must be unpublished and should not be under consideration by any other journal. CONEXIONES secretariat will acknowledge receipt of receiving origi-nals.
CONEXIONES is a refereed journal with a blind system evaluation in pairs. Contribu-tions will be only accepted by favourable opinion of two internal or external evaluators.

The decision of the Editorial Board with regard to the publication of an article or not will be duly notified to the author.  Contributions should be submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft word format to: /

Contributions should be written in Spanish or Portuguese.

Articles should be from 5,500 – 7,500 words long. The font should be Times New Ro-man, 11point, and paragraphs should be single space. 
No direct reference to the authors should be included in the text neither in the refer-ences. Strict anonymity is accorded to both authors and referees.

Article First Page
The first page should only include: article title and its translation to English, author’s name /s and e-mail address/es, and the institution with which the author/s is/are affili-ated.

Article Presentation
Article title with no reference to author name to preserve anonymity
Abstract of 100 words and its translation to English
A list of 5 keywords and its translation into English.

Headings and subheadings
The articles should follow the following indications:
First level: bold /italics half-bold Times New Roman 12
Second level: italics / Times New Roman 11
Third level: regular / Times New Roman 11

The quotations embedded into paragraph are double quote marks. All long quotations (exceeding 3 lines) should be ‘displayed’ – i.e. set into a separate intented paragraph and without quote marks at the beginning and at the end. Quotations in the text should be bracketed reference, including author name, publication year, or pages. Example (WOLTON, 2000:145). In case of more than one reference for year of the same au-thor, quotation should use letters (a, b, c ..) to differentiate (WOLTON, 2000a).

All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and in full at the end of the article (Times New Roman, 10 point). Author names should be always written in lower case style and they should be adjusted to the following style:

Books: Díaz Arias, R. (2006). Periodismo en televisión: entre el espectáculo y el tes-timonio de la realidad. Barcelona: Bosch.
Chapters of books: Rey, G. (2002). “La televisión en Colombia”, en G. Orozco, His-torias de la televisión en América Latina. Barcelona: Gedisa.
Articles in Journals: Buquet, G. (2002). “La música en la red: difícil toma de posición de las empresas españolas”. Telos. Cuadernos de comunicación, tecnología y socie-dad (53, nº1), 54-59. This journal reference should include the volume and number of the issue (volume, number). That is, in the above example, (53, nº1), it is referred to volume volume 53, number 1.
Website references: These references are similar to other references. There is no need to decipher any place of publication or a specific publisher, but the reference must have an author. Unlike paper references, however, web pages can change, so there needs to be a date of access as well as the full web reference. Example: Bonderbjerg, K. (2005). Web Communication and the Public Sphere in a European perspective. . Accessed 15 February de 2005.

Figures, line diagrams and tables
Figures and line diagrams must be submitted on a separate page with explicit mention in the text. They will be accompanied by a short, descriptive title and they will be num-bered in Arabic numerals (i.e. Figure / Chart 1).
Tables will be presented within the text.  They will be accompanied by a short, de-scriptive title and they will be numbered in Roman numerals (i.e. Table I).
No wording of graphs and images will be accepted.

Any footnote should be placed at the end of the each page. The Times New Roman font will be in size 10 and single space.
Book and document reviews
CONEXIONES will be reviewing books and document sof interest published in the year of issue of the journal. The reviews should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words.

The structure to be followed is as follows:
Author/s, director /s, coordinator/s
Title (in italics)
Place of Publication
Year of Publication

Exemple: José Marques de Melo, Pensamiento comunicacional latinoamericano. Editorial Comunicación Social, Sevilla / Zamora, 2009.

Reviews should include some brief information about the author, contents of the book/document, quotations that support or outlined by the author, a critical assessment reasoned with reference to specific paragraphs or parts of the book/document and a conclusion in that reviewer emphasize the value, interest or desirability of the work being reviewed.
Reviewers should include complete name and institution which belong to.