Conexiones. Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación is a journal of the Inter-University Network of Communication Studies, gathering the following universities: Austral (Argentina), Carlos III (Madrid), Diego Portales (Chile), Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico), Sao Paulo and ESPM (Brazil), coordinated by the Autonoma of Barcelona (Spain).
Conexiones aims to set a multilateral discussion on the essential aspects of culture and media. Its explicit goal is to continue, expand and consolidate the field of critical inquiry open in Ibero-American societies by diverse academic disciplines dealing with media systems and cultural issues. Therefore, it aims to contribute to the development of these studies from different theoretical perspectives, empirical and historical, in the context of changes driven by globalization and technological revolution. Its scientific object deals with the emerging reality of these communicative and cultural practices, the situation and changes in new and traditional media, media’s contribution to human development, the study of text, discourse and cultural forms and structures, communications and media policies, among other contemporary phenomena.