The Inter-University Network in Communication Studies (RIEC in Spanish) is composed of the Austral University (Argentina), Universidad Carlos III (Spain), Diego Portales University (Chile), the Autonomous University of Mexico City (Mexico), the University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico), the School of Advertising and Marketing of São Paulo (Brazil) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), which acts as coordinator. The Network Secretariat has its headquarters at the Austral University of Buenos Aires. The aim of the Network is to promote the development of research, teacher mobility for research purposes, exchange of information on issues of common interest, collective book publishing, dissemination of journals, and other academic activities and research.
The RIEC Network promotes joint projects in the specific field of communication, such as: annual international scientific meetings (Buenoas Aires, 2008, Havana, 2009, São Paulo, 2010, and Buenos Aires, 2011); series of seminars on current topics of mutual interest, discussion forums on the state of the art of the research in communication, seminars and meetings to promote the integration of the respective members of the network groups (Communication and cultural consumption, Training and Regional Integration); research projects on media, information technology and communications, and communication strategies and policies; mobility programs for researchers;
Book publishing series (Ibero-American collection), editing the academic journal CONEXIONES, web site maintenance and dissemination of the results of the joint activities.