2014-10-22 06:21
Participació al Congrés internacional EECERA (European Early Childhood Research Association) amb dues comunicacions del grup Erife, http://www.eecera2014.org/
La Sílvia Blanch va presentar dues comunicacions en el marc del 24è Congrés Internacional de l’EECERA: “US, THEM & ME: Universal, Targeted or Individuated Early Childhood Programmes” , a Creta, Grècia.
1/Family involvement. An analysis of the conceptions, strategies and expectations of different professionals involved with families in Early Childhood educational centres (Blanch, S., Careta, A. i Gimeno, X.)
2/The role and competences of the professionals who work with families in Espais Familiars or early childhood centres (Blanch, S., Careta, A., Gimeno, X., Peris, P., Reche, C.)