The GREGAL Research Group: Japan-Korea-Catalonia/Spain Cultural Circulation was set up to study the circulation, reconfiguration and integration of creative, linguistic an representational flows, driven primarily by Japan and South Korea, which affect and transform the social realities of Spain and Catalonia in globalizing processes on a planetary scale. Its Principal Investigator is Dr. Blai Guarné.

The GREGAL has been recognized as a consolidated research group (GRC) by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2021 SGR 00558) and it conducts its R+D+I project PID2021-122897NB-I00 of the MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER, UE  (2022-2025) at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies and the East Asian Studies and Research Centre (CERAO), among other projects funded by national and international scientific institutions focused on the growing interest in the Japanese and South Korean cultural industries in increasingly broad sectors of society.