This article is the result of a research carried out in three schools: Agustí Bartra School of Terrassa, Itaca School of Manresa and Pau Casals School of Vacarisses where the experiences of children towards the accompaniment of the psychomotor specialist are analyzed. It is directed and performed by Estrella Masabeu, Núria Franch and Josep Rota.

Lurdes Martínez, member and president of GREP, was from November 16 to 25, 2023 at the School of Human Movement Sciences and Quality of Life in Costa Rica. This entire process through the Psychomotor and Active Lifestyles Program.

During this stay she has developed both teaching and research and transfer activities.

As a teacher, he has given talks aimed at the teaching staff of the Department of Human Movement Sciences and Quality of Life, as well as for students studying Physical Education, Human Movement Sciences and Preschool Education. The diversity of teachers and students from different courses and subjects has favored the exchange of perspectives and teaching methodologies.

In the afternoons she has been able to share her experience and theoretical and practical knowledge with internship students and teachers from the CIUNA school.

She has also carried out a Training activity with the staff of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica and with the national and regional coordination of the National Directorate of Education and Nutrition Centers and Early Childhood Care Centers. It was a very emotional experience in a school with many teachers that allowed him to get to know very closely the school context of schools for boys and girls up to 12 years old.

Specifically, the topics of the talks and activities carried out have referred to:

Psychomotor achievements and challenges currently.

Psychomotor development in children from 0 to 3 years old.

Psychomotor development in children from 0 to 6 years.

The role of the psychomotor specialist in the psychomotor session (part 1).

The role of the psychomotor specialist in the psychomotor session (part 2).

Graphics from psychomotor skills.

Psychomotor skills as a tool for childhood development (professionals from public institutions in Costa Rica).

As research, work sessions have been held to exchange, discuss and define new lines and national and international research projects in the psychomotor discipline, between the Psychomotor Education Research Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and researchers. of the PSICOMI Program. As a result of the work carried out, joint thematic research priorities have been established between the two groups of researchers: childhood, adults (teaching bodies) and core institutions and populations that will allow growth and recognition of Psychomotor Skills in Costa Rica.

On November 12, at the Luzaro Eskola Conference, colleagues Estrella Masabeu, Núria Franch and Josep Rota presented the research work “children speak, let’s listen.”

Through a qualitative methodology, the oral representations of children aged 4 to 5 years were analyzed.

A presentation that aims to vindicate Research in Education and the full recognition of Psychomotor skills as a profession.

We extend the applications for registration to the Postgraduate in

Psychomotor development from 0 to 8 years,

to the Child Education Technicians and the Superior Sports Technicians.

Are you a technician in Early Childhood Education or Senior Sports Technician and you want to train in the Postgraduate in Psychomotor Education for 0 to 8 years old (UAB)?

Next year 2023-2024 we will hold the 21st edition of the Postgraduate course in “Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years” of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and we think that this training can help you deepen your understanding of the world of psychomotor skills at the educational stage infantile

This 21st edition of the Postgraduate will be the 1st time that TEI and TSD students will be able to obtain the psychomotorist title. As a requirement to sign up, you must certify that you have professional experience with children, at least 3 years old.

If you want more information on this website you will find everything you need. You only have to click on the “Training” tab and then enter “Diploma of Specialization in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years”.

However, if you have any doubts, you can send an email to:

Come on, let’s start on September 26!

We are waiting for you!!!


On June 27 and 28, 2023, professors Lurdes Martínez and Carol Nieva will participate in the XV National Congress of Formative and Shared Evaluation in Education, held at the Faculty of Education in Segovia.

In this conference they will present the communication “The creation of corporal play scenarios and the role of Formative Evaluation: an example of good practice at the level of Early Childhood Education”. In this communication they will explain the experience carried out in the subject of Play and Movement, of the 4th year of the Degree in Child Education (UAB), where the children of a nearby school come to play with physical play scenarios, in the gymnasium of the Faculty of Education Sciences; these scenarios have been designed by the students themselves and they are the ones who will accompany the children in their spontaneous and free place.


Psychomotricity. Pikler, Lapierre, Aucouturier and UAB connected differences.

Since May, you can access this book prepared by the members and collaborators of GREP where the main contributions are gathered in the approach to the accompaniment of psychomotor development and its concretion in psychomotricity sessions.


Last April 28th, professors Lurdes Martínez (UAB), Carol Nieva (UAB), Lluis Nogué (UdG) and student Míriam Mérida (UdG) attended the III CONSTRUYENDO PUENTES SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY conference. Results and transfer of the ARMIF-Practicum research projects (2017-2020), carried out at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona.

In this conference we present the project “Self-evaluation of students’ skills and professional development of teachers.” Improvement of teaching practice and innovation working for university-school co-tutored psychomotor learning projects” (ARMIF-2017), coordinated by Lurdes Martínez.

In this project, 4 universities (UAB, UdG, UVic and Unizar) have participated in which 4 innovation projects have been carried out with the aim of improving the professional psychomotor skills of the student, starting from the union of university and school.


During the week of May 15 to 19, teachers Lurdes Martínez and Carol Nieva will participate in a pedagogical training held in the municipality of Argenta (Italy).

During these training days, they visited childcare centers from 0 to 3 years old and learned about the general functioning of Argenta’s children’s service, its pedagogical and educational project, the general functioning of the family care service, etc.

It was a very interesting experience in which they also shared much knowledge with teachers from educational cycles for children in the Spanish state.


21st EDITION. COURSE 2023-24

Next Tuesday, February 21, at 6 p.m., we will hold an online informative talk about the Postgraduate course as part of the UAB’s “Virtual Postgraduate, Master’s and Doctorate Fair”.

In this virtual space we will present virtually and live the Postgraduate Psychomotor Development for 0 to 8 year olds, since we want to hold the 21st edition next year 2023-24.

To be able to participate in the informative talk, you must first register in the siguiente enlace:

Virtual fair for masters, postgraduates and doctorates UAB – Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona – UAB Barcelona

If you want more information about the postgraduate course, you can find it on this website under the “Training” tab.

We are waiting for you!!!