XII UNLP Sociology Conference

XII Conference of Sociology of the UNLP. The pre-conferences will be held on Tuesday 3 December from 3pm. We will begin with the presentation of the Documentary Fund ‘Horacio Pereyra’, from which we seek to reconstruct traces of the history of sociology in our faculty. At 16.00 hs we will continue with a round table […]

Video Living Lab Methodological Issues (21/11/2024)

On 21 November 2024, the Living Lab seminar no. 33, which is part of the Methodological Issues, will be presented. Leticia Muñiz Terra, from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Science Methodology and the Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) presents ‘The comparative biographical perspective: a […]

Video Living Lab – Juan Barri (14/11/2024)

On 14 November 2024, the seminar Living Lab nº 32 will be presented. Juan Barri from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba (UNC) presents ‘Technological transformations in capitalism and the recomposition of the workforce: the irruption of generative intelligences and their impact on the world of work’. The seminar was organised […]

Conversatorio sobre el conocimiento científico y la experiencia sindical

12 November 2024. Direct worker participation and psychosocial risks at work: a dialogue between scientific-technical knowledge and knowledge derived from trade union experience Over the last decades, working methods inspired by direct participation have spread in workplaces (private and public institutions). This term refers to work management practices that involve some kind of decentralisation of […]

‘Coffee with Science’ opens the Science Week at the University Pablo de Olavide, with the participation of INCASI2

5 November 2024 | Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain). The Universidad Pablo de Olavide is once again taking part in Science Week, an annual science dissemination event that will be held throughout Europe from 4 to 19 November 2024. The event, which at this university is organised through the Office for the Transfer of […]

Video Living Lab – Albert Navarro Giné (04/11/2024)

On 4 November 2024, Living Lab Nº31 was held, in which Albert Navarro Giné from the Research Group on Psychosocial Risks, Work Organisation and Health (POWAH) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) presented ‘Work organisation and health: does the direct participation of salaried people improve their state of health? In addition, Mirko van Pampus […]

Video Living Lab (31/10/2024)

On 31 October 2024, Juan Ignacio Piovani, from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, presents the paper ‘Debates epistemológicos y metodológicos sobre comparación e investigación social’, part of the Methodological Issues, which corresponds to ILL Nº 30. […]

INCASI Living Lab (14/11/2024)

On 14 November, at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain), the Living Lab seminar will be held with a presentation linked to the INCASI2 project entitled ‘Technological transformations in capitalism and the recomposition of the workforce: the irruption of generative intelligences and their impact on the world of work’ presented by Juan Manuel Barri, from […]

INCASI Living Lab (04/11/2024)

On 01 November, at the University of Chile, the Living Lab seminar will be held with presentations related to the INCASI2 project: ‘Work organisation and health: does the direct participation of salaried people improve their state of health?’, presented by Albert Navarro Giné, Research Group on Psychosocial Risks, Work Organisation and Health (POWAH), Universitat Autònoma […]

The Ibero-American University Postgraduate Association brings together its Executive Committee in Colombia

22 October 2024 : Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia). Francisco OIiva, president of AUIP, signed in the framework of this meeting a collaboration agreement with the Consortium of Mexican Universities. The Executive Committee met at the National University Newspaper Library of the UNAL. The National University of Colombia (UNAL), at its headquarters in Bogotá, […]

INCASI Living Lab Methodological Issues (31/10/2024)

On 31 October, the seminar Living Lab Cuestiones metodológicas vinculadas al proyecto INCASI2 entitled ‘Debates epistemológicos y metodológicos sobre comparación e investigación social’ will be presented by Juan Piovani, from the Centro Interdisciplinario de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales and the Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales of the Universidad Nacional de La […]

Video Living Lab – Juan Manuel García (15/10/2024)

On 15 October 2024, Living Lab Nº29 takes place in which Juan Manuel García González from the Department of Sociology at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), presents a paper entitled ‘Social determinants of health for the measurement and understanding of emotional well-being’ at the Gino Germani Research Institute at the University of Buenos Aires. […]