Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung was an Emeritus Professor of Food science and Animal sciences and industry at Kansas State University (KSU), in Manhattan, Kansas (USA). His speciality was food microbiology, and he gained an international reputation as a lecturer on rapid and miniaturized methods and automation. He has about 1,000 publications, including original peer-reviewed research scientific papers, research notes and abstracts in journals; books and book chapters; presentation abstracts in national and international meetings and congresses; popular scientific articles; news releases; etc. Highly Qualified Visiting Professor since 2003, mention given by the International Graduate School of Catalonia (Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació); and Distinguished Professor of Veterinary College at UAB since 2006. Director of the international workshop on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, which was held annually during 30 years in Manhattan, KS (1980-2010). Recipient of the 1997 International Award given by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), because of that workshop series; the 2001 Waksman Outstanding Educator Award given by the Society for Industrial Microbiology; the 2005 KSU College of Agriculture Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award; the 2006 IFT Carl R. Fellers Award, for a distinguished career in Food science and technology; the 2007 Inaugural Outstanding Educator in Food Safety Award given by Food Safety magazine and ConAgra Foods, Inc, for his teaching career with more than 20,000 students and 121 graduate students (36 Ph.D. and 85 M.S.) completed as the major professor; the 2009 Distinguished Service Award given by the Chinese American Microbiology Society, for outstanding service as president, treasurer and secretary (2000-2009); and the 2012 Food Safety Award given by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), because of the uniqueness of the KSU workshop series. Founder and editor of the Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology (1992-2009). Fellow of the IFT, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST), from the USA, and the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), from the United Kingdom; and Inaugural Class of Fellows of the IAFoST (1998). In 1995, he presented an outstanding invited lecture at Pasteur Institute in Paris (France) during the 100th year commemoration of Pasteur’s death.

Condensed professional dossier & List of publications

Microbiologists colleagues of Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung at KSU and UWRF Rapid Methods Workshops, 1980-2010

Retirement celebration of Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung – August 20, 2014

Dr. Fung’s Album: 1st part / 2nd part

• The scientific excellence at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona international workshop on rapid methods and automation in food microbiology (2012)

• A shining star has arrived: Xth Spanish workshop on rapid methods and automation in food microbiology, November 2011 (2011)

• Spanish rapid methods and automation in food microbiology: a star is born (2006)

3Q Daniel Y. C. Fung (3 Qüestions. Divulgació científica, November 2011)

Memories of the Kansas State University Rapid methods and automation in microbiology workshop 1980 to 2010: 1st part / 2nd part / 3rd part

• Pamphlets of the Kansas State University workshop: 20th / 21st / 22nd / 23rd / 24th / 25th / 26th / 27th / 28th / 29th / 30th

• Organizing successful Rapid methods workshops in Spain (lecture presented during the 25th anniversary of the Kansas State University workshop, invited by Dr. Fung)

K-State researcher says miniaturized likeness of himself is a conversation starter (K-Statement, Vol. 32, No. 1, July 2009)

«A burger has one million bacteria per gram of meat» (L’Autònoma, No. 188, December 2005)

Chinese cooking without sweat (rapid Chinese cooking!), by Daniel Y. C. Fung, Catherine L. Fung and Francis Y. C. Fung

Editor’s corners, by Daniel Y. C. Fung (Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology, 1992-2009):

• Letters from the publisher and the editor of the special issue on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, in the Journal of Food Safety (1991)

• Historical development of Rapid methods and automation in microbiology (D. Y. C. Fung)

• Editor’s corner #1

• How about stablishing a Society for Rapid methods and automation in microbiology

• Mini-Rapid microbiology workshops – here, there, everywhere!

• The seventh international congress on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology and immunology. September, 12–16, 1993. London

• The 14th international workshop on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, July 8 to July 15, 1994 at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

• Faculty members and assistants in the KSU Rapid methods and automation in microbiology workshop

• The arts and science of attending scientific meetings

• Fellows and distinguished fellows

• Food science graduate seminar – November 15, 1994. How to survive as a Food science professional – a personal experience by Daniel Y. C. Fung. Kansas State University

• Professional awards and recognitions

• Gala 15th celebration

• The Louis Pasteur and Industry in XXIst century workshops/symposium; Marnes-la-Coquette, France; September 25 to 29, 1995

• The arts of writing and publishing research papers

• Oral versus poster presentation

• Recent workshops on four continents

• Greetings from the Fungs (1996)

• Harold Macy Award and IFT International Award

• How to start and maintain the publication of a journal

• Academic tenure

• Dr. Howard Adler and Oxyrase

• Volunteerism in professional societies

• Love, marriage, and professional development

• Book review (Safe eating)

• 20th gala anniversary celebration of the workshop. July 2000

• Thoughts of someone else’s retirement

• Rapid methods in the Far East

• What a celebration!

• MPN and the value of journal publications

• Greetings from the Fungs (2000)

• The joy of being an advisor to graduate students

• Society for Industrial Microbiology 2001 Waksman Outstanding Educator Award winner – Daniel Y. C. Fung

• In times of joy and sorrow

• Greetings from the Fungs (2001)

• Flight of the Concorde

• What a workshop for the 22nd time!

• Happy birthday, Professor

• Dedicated to the memories of the seven astronauts who perished in the NASA Columbia shuttle accident. February 1, 2003

• Dr. Dong-Hyun Kang – new assistant editor

• How do you say “good-bye”

• Safety in food and drinks

• 515 – my favorite number

• Cruising on Queen Elizabeth 2

• A poem lovely as a Tree

• The joy of classroom teaching

• Appreciation for Food Nutrition Press and welcome to Blackwell Publishing

• A farewell to the most dedicated secretary of my career – Barbara Caldwell

• Kansas State University celebrated the silver anniversary workshop on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, June 2005

• Target: 100 M.S. and Ph.D. graduate degrees

• 1. Cruise ship sanitation.
2. Award winning professor and student at Institute of Food Technologists

• Academic sabbatical leave


• Professional presentations and lectures

• Automation and Nanotechnology special issue part I

• Automation and Nanotechnology special issue part II

• Inaugural Outstanding Educator in Food Safety Award

• Welcome and farewell

• To tip or not to tip, that is the question

• Legend of the Spanish workshop

• Teaching and advisement philosophy of Daniel Y. C. Fung

• The Iconic Dr. James Monroe Jay

• Reflections on Kansas State University XXIX international workshop on Rapid methods and automation in microbiology, June 19–26, 2009

• A fond farewell

• Modification of Fung Double Tube and CP AnaSelect Oxyplate methods to improve their performance in enumerating Clostridium perfringens from sewage and environmental waters (K. Vijayavel, D. Y. C. Fung and R. S. Fujioka)