Peer learning: student to student

Peer learning: teacher to teacher

Peer learning: family tutoring

Peer learning: student to student

Abad, M. y Benito. M. L. (coord.) (2006). Cómo enseñar juntos a alumnos diferentes: aprendizaje cooperativo. Zaragoza: Egido. The book describes, with great details, twenty cooperative learning experiences developed by schools in the province of Zaragoza, as a result of a training process and progress towards inclusive education.

Baudrit, A. (2000): El tutor: Procesos de tutela entre alumnos. Barcelona. Paidós. Entirely centred on peer tutoring, the book reviews the diversity of applications and the different uses of this method, which explains its effectiveness. Nevertheless, it alerts on the possible inconveniences to try to avoid negative consequences with the tutoring and so, encouraging to enjoy a method that completes the teacher’s job by individualizing and personalizing help.

Baudrit, A. (2012). Interacción entre alumnos. Cuando la ayuda mutua enriquece el conocimiento. Madrid: Marcea. The Bourdeaux teacher goes through the different types of support among students in school environments (nursery, primary and secondary), from a fairly piagetian point of view, in a spontaneous collaborative way. It is concluded that these types of support can be thought in order to improve its efficacy.

Bonals, J. (2000): El trabajo en pequeños grupos en el aula. Barcelona. Graó. Starting from the concept of operating group (group of people who try to achieve a common objective working as a team), the author reviews the basic aspects of working in group.

Caño, M. de; Elices, J.; i Palazuelo, M.. (2003): Interacción entre iguales, desarrollo cognitivo y aprendizaje. Valladolid: University of Valladolid. The book reviews the more relevant theoretical ideas on peer interaction, synthesize the different approaches and propose a theoretical model of the transformation in the interactions of peer learning.

Cabrera, E.P. (2008): La colaboración en el aula: más que uno más uno.  The author, after a conceptual review, focuses part of the book – that in our opinion makes it unique and interesting- in the exchanges that happen among groups and within groups. It is also interesting to note the more practical aspect that the book offers at the end when it makes valuable comments that are important to keep in mind during the process of using cooperative learning in the classroom.

Carbajal, S. y Suárez, C. (2008). Equiparse para trabajar en equipo. Montevideo: Universidad de la República.  The authors, university teachers, suggest a simple publication, written in an informative way and with a strong practical orientation. In its pages, they present a historical review of teamwork in the employment context to then, focus on the concept of conflict within the team and some strategies to resolve positively this problem, in order to strengthen work teams.

Chancel. G; Jordana. M; Pericon, R. (2008): Reculls, documento 4. La tutoría entre iguales en el marco del EEES: cinco años de funcionamiento del Programa d’Assessors d’estudiants en la UAB. Barcelona: Ediciones Assessorament Psicopedagògic (UAP). The aim of this book is to acknowledge the Programa d ‘Assessors d’ estudiants (PAE) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Initially there is a description and analysis of its functioning and an evaluation of the program since it started to be implemented. This program places its theoretical framework around peer tutoring and pretends to be able to give support to the academic tutoring in the university context.

Cohen, E.; Brody, C.; i Sapon-Shevin, M. (2004): Teaching Cooperative Learning. Albany: State University of New York. The book presents a wide variety of ways for training teachers (mainly initial training) on cooperative learning based on the experiences from universities around the world. The part II reflects some of the programs that have been used.

Curto Luque, C.; Gelabert Udina, I.; González Arévalo, C. y Morales Aznar, J. (2009). Successful Experiences with Cooperative Learning in Physical Education. Barcelona: INDE publicaciones. The authors make a proposal for the didactics of Physical Education focused on cooperative learning as the basic methodology that promotes inclusion, with respect for each one’s learning speed, and switching the competitive and individualistic tendency that has been characteristic of this subject. It is a book of eminently practical contents that guides through cooperation the development of specific and transversal competence in the particular field of Physical Education.

Díaz-Aguado, M. J. (2003). Educación intercultural y aprendizaje cooperativo. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide. The book presents programmess for developing tolerance and preventing violence and sexism. Among these, cooperative learning procedures are proposed. A CD-ROM is included with a tale to work on racism and intolerance.

Díaz-Aguado, M. J. (2005). Aprendizaje cooperativo. Hacia una nueva síntesis entre la eficacia docente y la educación en valores. Madrid: Santillana-UCETAM.  With an accent on values in the educational field, the author reviews and provides research results that show cooperative learning as a powerful tool for the development of basic social skills to prevent exclusion and violence through intercultural relations, tolerance and construction of equality.

Díaz-Aguado, M. J.(2006): Del acoso escolar a la cooperación en las aulas. Madrid: Pearson. The increasing concern about abuse in schools takes the author to offer a meditated answer, analyzing from an ecologic and developmental perspective the origin of peer violence, and presenting cooperation as a tool to deal with it. There is a chapter focused on the implementation of cooperative learning in the classrooms.

Dillenbourg, P. (ED) (1999): Collaborative Learning. Cognitive and Computational Approaches. Oxford (UK): Elsevier Science Ltd. Different European authors work on computer-supported collaborative learning with an approach that combines the cognitive psychological sphere and the social collaboration as two related processes. Once this frame has been defined, the computer technology issue is introduced, particularly some interconnected tools, to build collaborative knowledge.

Duran, D., & Topping, K. J. (2017). Learning by teaching: Evidence-based strategies to enhance learning in the classroomLondon & New York: Routledge. (In Catalan, Horsori, 2016; in Spanish, Narcea 2014). The book gathers the scientific evidence of learning by teaching. Available research shows that, under certain conditions, the teaching activity entails learning opportunities for those who develop it. Multiple real practices are collected, in which students –in primary schools, high schools or universities– learn by teaching their classmates. The book offers, from research evidence, practical guidelines so that teachers can learn by teaching, which will allow to update the knowledge and live the profession more fully.

Duran, D.(coord.), Blanch, S. Corcelles, M., Fernández, M. Flores, M., Kerejeta, B., Moliner, L. & Valdebenito, V. (2011). Bikoteka Irakurtzen. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco. The book is an adaptation of the programme Llegim en parella (let’s read in pairs) to the Basque Country language and context. In addition to the bases, the description and programme support materials, we present the first results obtained from a sample of Basque schools. The book, published by the Basque Government, is also available on internet.

Duran, D. (coord.); Blanch, S.; Corcelles, M.; Flores, M.; Oller, M.; Utset, M. & Valdebenito, V. (2011). Leemos en pareja. Tutoría entre iguales para la competencia lectora. Barcelona: Horsori. The book is a manual for implementing the educational programme Llegim en parella (Let’s read in pairs), driven by the GRAI. The book provides a substantial upgrade compared with the first publication in Catalan, presenting the conceptual basis of the programme, the description and its some supporting materials for teachers, students and families. It also provides some of the research outcomes regarding the implementation of the Llegim en parella (Let’s read in pairs) programme.

Duran, D.;Blanch, S.; Corcelles, M.; Flores, M.; Merino, E.; Oller, M. i Vidal,A. (2009). Llegim en parella. Tutoria entre iguals, a l’aula i a casa, per a la millora de la competència lectora. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’ICE de la UAB. This publication brings together the educational program “LLegim en parella” driven by the research group on peer learning of the Institut de Ciencies de l’Educació (ICE). The program is based on peer tutoring, a cooperative learning method, and combines mentoring among students and also family mentoring. Its aim is to improve the reading competence, a key element in the students’ school success. The book covers the conceptual foundations and the description of the program by offering a set of materials in order to facilitate the implementation in schools.

Duran, D. (Coord.), Flores, M., Oller, M., Corcelles, M., Miquel, E., i Blanch, S. (2018). Llegim i escrivim en parella: Tutoria entre iguals, amb implicació familiar, per a la competència comunicativa. Barcelona: Horsori. This book is an in-depth update of the previous two editions. The program is described in detail and resources and teaching materials for both students and families are included.

Duran, D., Flores, M., Oller, M., Thomson-Garay, L., i Vera, I. (2016). Reading in pairs: Peer tutoring for reading and speaking in English as a foreing language. Barcelona: Horsori. The book describes the program Reading in Pairs, which is based on peer tutoring, with family involvement, for the improvement of English as a foreign language.

Duran, D.; Torró, J. i Vilar, J. (2003). Tutoria entre iguals, un mètode d’aprenentatge cooperatiu per a la diversitat. De la teoria a la pràctica. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’ICE de la UAB. After reviewing the conceptual basis of peer learning, and particularly of peer tutoring, the book presents a practical proposal on a variable credit for teaching and learning the Catalan language. Different resources for using in the classroom are included.

Duran, D. i Monereo, C. (2011). Entramado. Métodos de aprendizaje cooperativo y colaborativo. Barcelona: Edebé. (In Catalan, Horsori, 2020). The book, originally published in Spanish and Catalan in 2001 (Edebé), translated into Portuguese for Brazil (Artmed, 2004), has been updated in the two subsequent Horsori editions. After an introductory chapter on peer learning, the book introduces different methods of cooperative learning, both between students and between teachers. Each method is presented through a story that happens in a high school. The stories –which allow you to “see” the method in action– are accompanied with guides.

Duran, D. i Vidal, V. (2004). Tutoría entre iguales. De la teoría a la práctica. Barcelona: Graó. This book has a similar structure to the previous one. The second part of the book includes tools to work with peer tutoring in high school, on the Spanish language and literature subject, including activities for both levels of ESO (secondary education) and a variety of guidelines for students and teachers.

Fabra, M.L. (1992): Técnicas de grupo para la cooperación. Barcelona. CEAC. Based on the analysis of the class as a group and the need work as a group. In a practical way, it is described how to create groups in the classroom. The main techniques and games to be used in the classroom are commented, organizing them by contents and personal development. In spite of cooperative learning being treated as just another technique for developing intellectual abilities, some cooperative methods are included in this book.

Falchikov, N. (2001): Learning together. Peer tutoring in higher education. London: Routledge-Falmer. As the title suggests, the book is centred on peer tutoring within the university level. It combines a conceptual and descriptive first part and a second part where, through different contributions, presents several practices in the university. The book combines theory and practice in a rigorous way.

Fernandez, P. i  Melero M.A.(comp.) (1995): La interacción social en contextos educativos. Madrid: Ed. S.XXI. In the first part, the book presents the psychological theories that sustain peer learning (the piagetian & visgostkyan perspectives). A review is made of the research done on cooperative learning and peer tutoring in the United States. In the second part, research about peer tutoring is presented, with a reflection about the advantages of cooperative learning. The last part presents two forms of micro analytical analysis of interaction, one in the school context and the other in the interaction child-adult.

Ferreiro, R. (2006): .Estrategias Didácticas del Aprendizaje Cooperativo. El constructivismo social: una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender.. México D. F. Editorial Trillas. The book discusses various strategies conducive to cooperative learning from the perspective of social constructivism. It begins with a brief summary of the different educational paradigms to the detailed description of some useful strategies that facilitate cooperative learning in different moments of the teaching sequence: creation of favorable environment, orientation of the students’ attention, information processing , recapitulation of what is learned, assessment of learning, social interdependence, and finally, reflection on processes and outcomes of the learning activity.

Ferreiro, R. i Calderón, M. (2006): El ABC del aprendizaje cooperativo. Trabajo en equipo para enseñar y aprender México: Editorial Trillas. In the line of Robert Slavin (author of the introduction), the book presents the conceptual frame of cooperative learning and some methods based on simple cards. It emphasizes the importance of team work among teachers.

Flores, M., Duran, D., i Albarracín, L. (2016). (En)Raonem en parella. Tutoria entre iguals per a la resolució cooperativa de problemes quotidians. Barcelona: Horsori. (In Spanish, Horsori, 2016). The book describes (En)Raonem en parella, an educational programme aimed at improving skills in solving daily math problems cooperatively. This programme is based on peer tutoring and family involvement. The theoretical basis of (En)Raonem en parella are described, as well as guidelines for its implementation in the classroom and proposals for assessment. The book also includes a chapter with initial research results. The last chapters provide resources and educational materials for teachers, students and families.

García, R., Traver, J. i Candela, I. (2001) Aprendizaje cooperativo. Fundamentos, características y técnicas. A booklet that introduces the theme and synthetically presents some methods.

Gavilán, P i Alario, R. (2010). Cooperative Learning. A Methodology with Future. Principles and Applications. Madrid: CCS. Paloma Gavilán already published in 2004 some materials for the MEC to work algebra in high school through cooperative learning. In this occasion, with Ramón Alario, a manual of cooperative learning is presented in which, after framing it in the challenges of today’s schools, a theoretical foundation is given (from the perspective of pedagogy and social psychology, even though the greater emphasis is on evolutionary and educational psychology) and the main methods are reviewed. It is a synthetic book on this theme, and that is its main quality.

Gillies, R. i Ashman, A. (Eds)(2003): Co-operative Learning. The social and intellectual outcomes of learning in groups. London: Routledgfalmer. The book includes interesting articles of recognised authors on the subject, from preschool to the university. Most of the issues related to cooperative learning are dealt with: effectiveness, motivation, assessment, special educational needs, computer assistance… A good book to know the miscellany of the themes involved in peer learning.

Gillies, R (2007): Cooperative Learning. Integrating Theory and Practice. London: Sage Publications. Robyn M. Gillies, professor at the University of Queensland, Australia, achieves the purpose of the title of the book, integrating theory and practice in the cooperative learning environment. In the book, besides presenting cooperative learning and its key components, he refers to the interaction, reviewing the teacher’s role, the group’s composition and the assessment. Each chapter combines a rigorous exposition with the presentation of cases and thought activities.

Gobierno de Navarra (1999): Aprendizaje cooperativo. Pamplona. Departamento de Educación y Cultura del Gobierno de Navarra. The book is structured in three parts, and aims to give some tools for junior high school teachers. The first, explains the theoretical aspects of cooperative learning. In the two following parts, didactic experiences are presented, as well as some techniques for classroom group work and cooperative learning, as the puzzle method, for instance.

Giné, C., Duran, D., Font, J., i Miquel, E. (Coords.) (2020). L’educació inclusiva: De l’exclusió a la plena participació de tot l’alumnat.  Barcelona: Horsori. En castellà (Horsori, 2009). This is an updated translation of the previous publication in Spanish. In this book, as well as other interesting chapters on peer learning, you will find a chapter by Teresa Huguet on collaborative work between teachers; and a chapter by David Duran about inclusion and peer learning.

Gordon, E. (2005): Peer tutoring. A teacher’s resource guide. Lanham Maryland: Scarecrow Education. As its title suggests, it is a brief but very practical guide on peer tutoring. In a very schematic and simple way, peer tutoring is defined and the basic steps to implement a program are reviewed, while offering examples of tools.

Grisham, D. i Molinelli, P. (1995): Cooperative Learning. Professional’s Guide. Westminster, CA: Teacher Centred Materials, Inc. A practical booklet written in a plain language that presents cooperative learning from the North-American authors’ tradition. It explains different methods for cooperative learning and offers advice on implementation in the compulsory education classrooms.

Guix, D. i Serra, P.(2008) Donar, rebre i compartir. L’estructura de l’aprenentatge cooperatiu a l’aula. Girona. Universitat de Girona. Documenta Universitaria. It is a very practical book to organize a cooperative classroom at junior-high-school level. It begins with a brief theoretical frame and clear schemes, and then it offers a whole set of games and cooperative activities that can be of great help for teachers who want to work cooperatively in a classroom. It includes a CD with all the materials that facilitate the job of the teacher.

Hertz-Lazarowitz, R; Miller, N (1992): Interaction in cooperative groups. Cambridge. University Press. With the objective of building an “anatomy” of cooperation, the authors integrate different work on the cognitive and affectionate processes underlying cooperative interactions in four sections: (1) social construction of knowledge (distinction between tutoring, cooperation and collaboration, problems’ solving and support relations); (2) Social abilities and classroom factors that influence the interactions (Multidimensional model of classroom analysis and interaction among students); (3) Effects of task structure and reinforcement in academic success (positive interdependence); (4) Intergroup positive relation factors (identity, interpersonal relations and diversity at the classroom.)

Huffman, C. (2012). Making Music Cooperatively. Chicago: GIA. The author looks over the basics of co-learning and the development of the different social abilities implied, presenting therefore different techniques and methods, together with practical examples, which can be used in the primary school music classroom.

Jacobs, G. Power, M. Inn, L.W. (2002): The Teacher’s Sourcebook for Cooperative Learning. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Corwin Press. It is mainly a practical book that aims to give support to teachers who want to implement cooperative learning in the classroom. It is structured in three sections. In the first one, the principles of cooperative learning are presented: cooperation as a value, heterogeneity, positive interdependence, individual responsibility, simultaneous interaction, participation, collaborative abilities, group autonomy and assessment. In the second section, practical problems (such as the size of teams…) are commented. And, finally, in part three, some practical resources are presented.

Janney, R. i Snell, M. (2006): Social Relationships & Peer Support. Baltimore, Ma: Brookes. The authors presents a book that integrates theory, showing the results obtained in research and school practice. It’s aimed to work towards a junction between peer learning and inclusive education. It reviews how to build a school that promotes social relations that encourage the participation and learning of everybody; the different modes of peer learning are indicated (cooperative learning, peer tutoring and peer support nets.)

Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (1991): Learning together and alone. Cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning. Needham Heights, Allyn and Bacon. These authors, brothers and co directors of the Cooperative Learning Center in Minessota, review the methodology based on individualization, competition and cooperation. They analyze the objectives, the learning processes and the achievements of the three methods and expose the advantages of cooperation, emphasising on the positive interdependence and the acquisition of cooperative abilities. Cooperative learning techniques are introduced and, finally they analyze the role and management of teachers in the classroom.

Johnson, D., Johnson, R. i Holubec, E. (1999): El aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula. Barcelona. Paidós. This book, published in English in 1994, exposes in a simple and synthetical way the concept of cooperative learning and its implementation in the classrooms. Directed to teachers, it reviews the different teaching actions: previous decisions (objectives, team formation, class layout and role assignment), the cooperative classroom (explanation, positive interdependence and student supervision) and subsequent activities (team evaluation and reflection.)

Johnson, D. & Johnson, R.(2004). Cómo reducir la violencia en las escuelas. Buenos Aires: Paidós. It proposes the use of cooperative learning to decrease the risk factors that lead to violence in the classrooms. With the aim of developing a cooperative context in the classroom, the authors propose a program for the prevention of violence and another one for solving conflicts through negotiation, mediation or arbitration among students.

Jolliffe, W. (2007):Cooperative Learning in the Classroom. Putting it into Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Paul Chapman Publishing. At risk of being somewhat simple, this is mainly a practical book that tries to introduce cooperative learning for junior-high-school teachers, giving the views of different authors, guides and practical materials for that purpose.

Kagan, S. (1985): Cooperative Learning. California. Resources for teachers, Inc. The book offers practical resources for the cooperative learning implementation in the classroom. It distinguishes between structures (systems of instructions free of contents, for example silent reading) and lesson designs (sequences of sub objectives where activities that combine structures and contents are located.) With this distinction, the author organise the book with tables that help the reader to be able to deep in the different structures, lesson designs, teacher tools and sheets for the students, throughout the book.

Kaplan, P. i Stauffer, S. (1994) “Cooperative Learning in music”. MENC. The National Association for Music Education. Is a little book where firstly describe the principal theoretical bases of the cooperative learning, after it is about musical thematics and its use with Cooperative Learning’s methods by means of a series of didactic sequence and the respective evaluation.

León, B. i altres (2005): Técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo en contextos educativos. Badajoz: Abecedario. The book presents methods and techniques for cooperative learning. Yet, the work is particularly interesting in its last part, where the authors briefly comment about the variables in peer learning.

Lobato, C. (1998): El trabajo en grupo. Aprendizaje cooperativo en secundaria. Bilbao. Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea. Group work is seen by the author as one of the basic components of reform in education and cooperation, a way to recognize, accept and work the individual differences in the school environment and a way to build a plural and democratic society. With the objective of introducing the subject among high school teachers, the book exposes synthetically the concept of group work and cooperative learning. Then, shows its use in the classroom: preparation, group techniques and assessment.

Mir, C. (Coord) (1998): Cooperar en la escuela. La responsabilidad de educar para la democracia. Barcelona. Editorial Graó. The book, based on a wide conception of cooperation, deals with relevant aspects to improve and make the school more democrat. It is particularly interesting the conceptualization of cooperative learning and the difficulties to extend it throughout the system of education, as well as the analysis of the cooperation processes in the classroom. And beyond the classroom, the book deals also with the possibilities of collaboration among teachers, families and the environment.

Moliner, L. (2015). La tutoría entre iguales: Aspectos teóricos y elementos básicos para su planificación. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. After a conceptual review of peer tutoring, from a educative inclusion perspective, this book describes a practical experience carried out in a school, inspired in Leeemos en pareja. Preface of David Duran.

Monereo, C.; Duran, D. (2001).Entramats. Mètodes d’aprenentatge cooperatiu i col.laboratiu. Barcelona: Edebé. After an introductory chapter about peer learning, the book presents different cooperative learning methods (peer tutoring, puzzle, research work, natural group…) to be carried out with students and teachers. Each method is presented through a story based within the high school context. The narratives – enable to see the method in action- has the support of a guide of the method showed. The book has been translated into Spanish (Edebé, 2002) and Portuguese for Brasil (Artmed, 2004).

Mosca, A. and Santiviago, C. (2012). Fundamentos Conceptuales de las tutorías entre pares. La experiencia de la Universidad de la República. Montevideo. Universidad de la República. This publication sets out in great detail the experiences of the Universidad de la República on peer tutoring and experiences in different universities, as a way to prevent college dropout and also, university students who act as tutors for high school classmates. The text combines theoretical reference with the students’ testimony.

O’Donell, A. i King, A. (EDS) (1999): Cognitive perspectives on peer learning. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. The first part of the book reviewed the implications that the genetic theory (Piaget) and the sociocultural theory (Vigotsky) have on peer learning. The second part shows different models that, based in these theories, promote collaborative learning from a cognitive perspective. There are several models that, as it is mentioned in the summary, have a confusing relation among them: construction of complex knowledge, problem solving, peer tutoring, reciprocal teaching… The third part goes deeply into the implications that peer learning has in the role of teachers and the necessary initial and permanent training needed, including a model for learning among teachers.

Orlick, T. (1990) Libros para cooperar, libros para crear. Barcelona: Paidotribo. Revised by Miguel Martínez López, it analyzes cooperation in the context of play. Cooperative games for young children, teens and adults are described, as well as games from other cultures and new ways to do cooperative activities (workshops, old age, meetings, etc.)

Ovejero, A. (1991): El aprendizaje cooperativo. Un análisis eficaz a la enseñanza tradicional. Barcelona: PPU. Emphasizing the psychosocial etiology of the school failure, the author presents cooperative learning as a highly efficient instrument for the cognitive and social development of the students. It’s reviewed in depth the theoretical background and foundations of cooperative learning; its use as a school resource; the main methods; the effects in school, including the integration; and an analysis of the factors that explain its efficacy.

Ovejero, A. (2018). Aprendizaje cooperativo crítico: Mucho más que una eficaz técnica pedagógica. Madrid: Pirámide. Anastasio Ovejero wrote one of the first books in Spanish on cooperative learning, in 1990 (you will find the book review on this list). In this new volume, the author reviews the topic, from a perspective theoretically based on social psychology and, above all, placing cooperative learning as a tool to transform school in the context of the current neoliberalism.

Pujolàs, P. (2001). Atención a la diversidad y aprendizaje cooperativo en la educación obligatoria. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe. After reviewing the concept of attention to diversity and the essential elements of cooperative learning, the author presents a practical approach (cooperative learning groups) as a model of teaching and classroom organization, open and adjustable.

Pujolàs, P. (2003).Aprendre junts alumnes diferents. Els equips d’aprenentatge cooperatiu a l’aula. Vic: Eumo Editorial. The book presents the cooperative work with students as a resource for the inclusive school. In this sense, a revision of the organization in the classroom is done, some cooperative learning methods are presented and the characteristics of a didactic unit organized with cooperative work.

Pujolàs, P. (2008). 9 ideas clave. El aprendizaje cooperativo. Barcelona: Graó. The author presents, combining theory and practice, cooperative learning as a methodology for inclusive education, which facilitates the development of basic skills, as a content to be taught deliberately and a way of educating for dialogue, coexistence and solidarity.

Putnam, J. (1997): Cooperative learning in Diverse Classrooms. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc. In the first section of the book cooperative learning and the theoretical and research framework are defined. Also, the functionality of the method is justified. In section two, there is an explanation along with some examples of cooperative programming and the management needed within the classroom, in the school context. There is an especial emphasis on conflict prevention, the development of abilities to solve them, and work with students behaviour problems. In the last section, different cooperative learning methods are presented and some modifications are proposed to be able to work with the students’ diversity. Finally, the assessment and the solving of the most common problems are commented.

Putnam, J. (2005). Cooperative learning and strategies for Inclusion. York, PE, Paul H. Brookes Publishing. With a prologue from Robert Slavin, the author gathers contributions from different authors that show how cooperative learning is an instructive strategy for inclusive school, as it uses the differences among students as a source for learning. In the book, there are chapters from the Johnson brothers, from Spencer Kagan and from Porter Gordon. It is a valuable tool for the improvement of schools.

Rué, J. (1991): El treball cooperatiu. L’organització social de l’ensenyament i aprenentatge. Barcelona. Barcanova. The first part of the book deals with the paradigms of research in education and the theoretical frame of cooperative work: definition, methods, yields, psychopedagogic theories, conditions and guideline for application. The second part describes a research where group work and cooperative team work situations are compared, and the way cooperative work guidelines affect the components of the classroom activity as a whole is analyzed in detail.

Sapon-Shavin, M. (1999): Because we can change the world. A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities. Needham Heights, Ma: Allyn & Bacon. The author intends to make the reader think and give him tools to improve and transform schools towards learning communities based in inclusion and cooperation. The book presents the values of this education and the different components with their respective implementation proposals. These are: the school as a community share and know others, feel belonging, give and take support and working with others to learn. A good guide for action.

Serrano, J. M. I González-Herrero, M. E. (1996). Cooperar para aprender ¿Cómo implementar el aprendizaje cooperativo en el aula?. Murcia. DM. The authors organize the work in three parts. In the first one, they introduce the theoretical basis for cooperative learning, giving special consideration to the psychological theories that sustain it, as well as its social dimension. The second part defines the cooperative methods and what they all have in common, going through, from an ecological point of view, the different dimensions concerned at the classroom: the organization, the roles of teachers and students, the structure of task and reward, and the activity of learning. The last part, quite brief yet interesting, proposes methodological aspects for observing the cooperative classroom.

Serrano, J. M., González-Herrero, M. E. i Pons, R. M. (2008). Aprendizaje cooperativo en Matemáticas. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia. After presenting cooperative learning and teaching and learning processes in mathematics, the book reviews the most used cooperative learning methods in this curricular area and their results.

Sharan, S. (1994): Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods. London. Praeger. The author of the method for group research divides this book in three parts. The first one goes through the main methods for cooperative learning: Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), Puzzle… with the advantage that these methods are presented by their authors (Slavin, Johnson & Johnson, Kagan…). Attention is paid to the change in conditions, and to the role of teachers and materials with respect to the traditional classroom. Part two gathers applications of cooperative learning to different areas of the curriculum (science, languages, maths, computing…), setting more reflections than actual examples. The last part deals with the necessary changes at the schools so as to implement cooperative learning in a systematic way.

Sharan, Y. i Sharan, S. (2004). El desarrollo del aprendizaje cooperativo a través de la investigación en grupo. Sevilla: Publicaciones M.C.E.P. It is a translation of a work by the Sharan couple, forerunners of the cooperative learning method known as Group investigation, and tireless researchers and disseminators of cooperative learning.

Slavin, R. E. (1995): Cooperative Learning. Massachusetts. Allyn & Bacon. The book is divided in two parts: the first focus on the cooperative learning theory and pays attention to the research results, those that explain their positive effects, and the effects itself (the inner group relationships, handicapped students acceptance, self esteem, control locus, work time, attitudes…) Part two is a practical guide of cooperative learning methods. Among others, the Student Teams-Achievements Divisions (STAD), the research group and the puzzle are examined.

Solana Sánchez, A. M. (2007). Cooperative Learning in Physical Education classes. Sevilla: WANCEULEN editorial deportiva, S. L. Antonio Manuel Solana’s book shows us a path toward significantly strategic learning coming from interaction, based on the Sociocultural learning of Vigotsky and Piaget’s postulates. He recommends the Cooperative methodology as the most suitable way to promote a strategic learning in the field of Physical Education, and includes his perspective on the changed roles that this implies as much for the teacher as for the pupils.

Suárez, C. (2010). Cooperación como condición social de aprendizaje. Barcelona. UOC. The book argues peer learning from sociocultural perspective (Vygotskian theory) explaining from the interaction in the zone of proximal development provides learning opportunities. After that it presents the basics of cooperative learning and some of the best known methods.

Thousand, J. Villa R. y Nevin A. (1994): Creativity and Collaborative Learning. Baltimore, Ma: Brookes. The book is divided in three big sections. The first one deals with cooperative learning, and after conceptually review, it presents some examples planned in the classroom. The second section deals with research in different models of peer learning (partner learning, peer tutoring and peer mediation) and proposes usages for conflict solving or for inclusion. The last section presents the creative character of cooperation and its usefulness for creative thought and problem solving.

Topping, K. (2001): Thinking Reading Writing. A practical Guide to Paired Learning with Peers, Parents and Volunteers. London: Continuum. The book presents four methods for learning in pairs that lead to peer tutoring education programs with family support.

Topping, K. (2001): Peer Assisted Learning. A practical Guide for Teachers. Cambridge. MA: Brookline Books. A practical book that briefly presents the history and research of peer tutoring and peer learning, and offers practical resources for teachers to help them to design peer learning actions.

Topping, K. I Ehly, S. (EDS) (1998): Peer-Assisted Learning. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Avoiding concepts which its use lead to confusion (cooperation or collaboration), the authors propose peer assisted learning (PAL): the acquisition of knowledge and capacities through the help and active support of peers. After setting the psychopedagogic basis and the advantages and disadvantages of PAL, the authors comment on their different forms: modelling, counselling, supervising, educational programs and peer assessment. Special attention is paid on peer tutoring, reflecting over its use as a basic methodology for the classroom, the reciprocity of roles, disruptive students as tutors and students with special needs as tutees.

Torrego, J. C., & Monge, C. (Coords.). Inclusión educativa y aprendizaje cooperativo. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. This book offers a reference material for educators, researchers and teachers, as it provides results arising from research on the implementation of cooperative learning. Renowned national authors, such as Echeita, Escudero, Bolívar or Duran, make their contributions, along with international authors, such as the Johnson brothers. The values that support inclusive education, teacher training and the theories and evidence for cooperative learning are reviewed.

Torrego, J. C., & Negro, A. (Coords.) (2012). Aprendizaje cooperativo en las aulas. Fundamentos y recursos para su implantación. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. The book is the result of the work that a number of prominent authors in this field carried out in a postgraduate course at the Universidad de Alcalá: Experto en aprendizaje cooperativo (Expert in cooperative learning). The book is divided into three main sections: foundations of cooperative learning, its implementation in school practices and, finally, the role of the teacher. The book -a real cooperative learning manual- is written by David Duran, Gerardo Echeita, Juan Manuel Escudero, Amador Guarro, Andrés Negro, Pere Pujolàs and Juan Carlos Torrego.

Trujillo, F. i Ariza, M.A. (2006): Experiencias educativas en aprendizaje cooperativo. Granada: Grupo Editorial Universitario. The book presents an experience about training cooperative learning in a primary school. After a brief theoretical frame, seventeen didactic units are presented.

Vinagre, M. (2010). Teoría y práctica del aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador. Madrid: Síntesis. The book reviews, in a rigorous and very well explained way, the origins and theoretical background of collaborative learning assisted by computer. Attention is paid to three models (Tandem, Culture and e-Twinning) with practical and organizational elements to put them into practice. The author mainly focuses on the development of language and intercultural skills providing interesting data from research and practice. start

Peer learning: teacher to teacher

AA. VV. (2002). Dinámicas colaborativas en el trabajo del profesorado. El paso del yo al nosotros. Barcelona. Graó. The book includes several articles on the subject published in the paper called Aula and organized in three blocks: the teacher’s need of teamwork, elements to consider for implementing effective teachers ‘teams and, finally, some experiences in different educational stages.

Balshaw, M. (1999). Help in the Classroom. London: David Fulton. It’s a manual or guide for teachers that aim to help to organize, in the best possible way, the work among the teacher in the classroom and the support staff who participate at different times (other teachers, therapists, guardians, parents…). although it’s being set in an English context, where the support of different people at the classroom is a usual resource for students with NEE, they present a useful theoretical frame, plus ideas and resources to organize effectively the work of two professionals working together in the classroom.

Bauwens, J. i Hourcade, J. (1995) Cooperative Teaching. Rebuilding the Schoolhouse for All Students. Austin: Pro-ed. Different kinds of teacher collaboration are introduced, going into depth, within direct collaboration, on cooperative teaching: the working of two or more teachers in the same classroom. From the metaphor of rebuilding and reforming a house so that everyone can fit in it, the authors of this book present the steps needed to implement cooperative teaching or co-teaching, also called shared teaching, as an essential tool to make possible a school for everybody.

Barkley, E.; Cross, P. y Major, C. (2005). Técnicas de aprendizaje colaborativo. Manual para el profesor universitario. Madrid: MEC-Morata. The book is a translation in which the authors, after a section explaining  the implementation of team learning at the university, presents in a practical manner different techniques (many of them only takes a few minutes) to promote cooperative work in the classroom.

Bonals, J. (1996). El trabajo en equipo del profesorado. Barcelona: Graó. The author expresses his conviction that teachers should be able to work as a team in an efficient manner, to be able to collaborate in finding ways that allow them to adjust to the different needs that come out in the school today. The book is organized in three parts. The first is focused in the improvement of relations within teams work. The second includes practical cases as examples of intervention in the organization and the dynamics of teaching teams. The last refers to the role of psychopedagogic counsellors in the treated themes.

Friend, M. & Cook, L. (1992). Interactions. Collaboration Skills for School Professionals. New York: Longman. We find ourselves in front of an essential tool for any professional in education whom wants to know in depth the key aspects of teaching collaboration. The book is written for a training porpoise too. Each chapter presents the learning objectives, an introduction on the theme as a theoretical frame, a summary of the relevant ideas and a bunch of activities that helps to apply the information to the daily practice of the reader, as well as other expansion readings.

Huguet, T. (2006): Aprendre junts a l’aula. Una proposta inclusiva. Barcelona: Graó. The book collects the experience of a concrete school that shows us as since an inclusive perspective the educational needs of the students in the framework of the ordinary classroom and inside the group of reference are attended. One of the key aspects that values is collaboration between teachers, especially co-teaching. The author presents useful material to guide to any school in the implementation of co-teaching.

López, A. (2007). 14 ideas clave. El trabajo en equipo del profesorado. Barcelona: Graó. With rigor, but with practical details, the author reviews the need and characteristics for effective teachers ‘teamwork. They also points out how teamwork can promote professional development.

Snell, M. i Janney, R. (2000). Collaborative Teaming. Teacher’s Guides to Inclusive Practices. Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks Publishing. The objective of the book is finding a way to advance towards inclusive education. To do that, the authors consider that certain levels of cooperation between teachers and families are needed that cannot be obtained without what they call, collaborative teaming. The basic components of team work are commented within the school context: the team structure, the skills that must be developed, the applications and actions of team work, collaborative teaching and, finally, the improvement on communication and conflict solving. start

Peer learning: family tutoring

Topping, K. (2001): Thinking, Reading, Writing. A practical Guide to Paired Learning with Peers, Parents and Volunteers. London: Continuum. The book is set as a guide on four peer tutoring programs (for students, families or volunteers): reading in pairs, thinking in pairs, writing and grammar. After describing the program, guidelines are given in order to be able to organize and assess them. Finally, some thought is given on the reasons why it works. At the end of the book, practical resources are offered.

Topping, K. I Bamford, J. (1998): Parental Involvement and Peer Tutoring in Mathematics and Science. David Fulton Publishers. London. The book has two different parts. The first presents the principles of Paired Maths and Science, a peer tutoring program -that combines tutoring between students and with the family too- for teaching and learning math and natural sciences. Part two offers practical resources to carry out the proposal.

Wolfendale, S. I Topping, K. (1996): Family involvement in Literacy. Effective Parterships in Education. London: Casell. The book starts reviewing practices of family support to the school learning of students, basically focused in reading. It presents also a project on development where the father or mother acts as tutor of their son or daughter in a coordinated action with the school. start