The following is a list of recommended  links to web pages dedicated to peer learning Please understand that internet links are dynamic and may be deleted or have changed address. We appreciate your understanding and welcome proposals regarding additional links

Network of International Cooperative Learning Educators and Enthusiasts

As pointed out in its website, the purpose of NICLEE is to cultivate ongoing communication among educators worldwide who are passionate about fostering continued growth and development of CL. This network operates within the electronic platform of this website, designed to meaningfully engage and support global interaction among CL enthusiasts. 

Centre for Peer Learning

This centre, that studies peer learning, is managed by Keith Topping (Dundee university), without doubt, the researcher who has worked most with peer tutoring. It offers information, material and support about peer tutoring, between students as well as in the home environment or with volunteers.

Centre d’Investigació en Ensenyament i Aprenentatge de la Universitat de Michigan.

The website belongs to the Centre for Research in Teaching and Learning of the University of Michigan. It has resources about topics related to Cooperative Learning and teamwork, links to other websides, articles and bibliography related to the subject.

Collaborative Learning

This page, about collaborative learning is maintained by the NISE (National Institute for Science Education) in Wisconsin University. It offers an overview of examples of different collaborative learning methods and reference book listings.

Comunitat Catalana de Webquest

Webquests are learning activities based on cooperative learning and internet surfing. This interesting website offers a directory of Webquests in Catalan, Spanish and other languages, as well as resources and training on how to make webquests.

Cooperative Learning Center

The Cooperative learning Centre belongs to Minnesota University and offers research resources and training. It is run by two brothers Roger and David Johnson, researchers who spread their knowledge of cooperative learning worldwide.

Grup d’Interès en Aprenentatge Cooperatiu (GIAC)

Group linked to the ICE of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, that works with cooperative learning in the field of university training. They organize a day of sharing experiences every year.

International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (IASCE)


IASCE runs a project to spread information about, and at the same time study cooperative learning, by publishing a bulletin, organizing bi annual congresses and helping with publications on the subject.

International Development Research Association (IDRA)


IDRA is a non profit organisation that works for education quality. One of the interesting things is the Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program, a peer tutoring programme with students of different ages.

Kagan. Publishing and professional development

Webpage, with some commercial content, by Spencer Kagan, author of cooperative learning structures or techniques.

Peer Tutoring Resource Center

The resources centre on peer tutoring is a project of the RAD Schwarts foundation of Oakland and aims to provide resources ans support for the development and maintenance of different projects focused on peer tutoring in the classroom, school or neighbourhood.

Reading Rockets

Reading Rockets is a north american multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. It includes info about paired reading.

Web site of Professor Elliot Aronson

This Web site corresponds to Professor Elliot Aronson of theUniversity of Santa Cruz, California, creator of the Method Puzzle of Cooperative Learning.