David Duran Gisbert (Coordinator). CV. PhD in Psychology (Extraordinary Doctorate Award). Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has participated in many teacher training actions—both nationally and internationally—on peer learning and inclusive education. David.Duran@uab.cat
Yvone Acevedo López. Graduated in Psychology (University of Santiago, Chile). Currently, she is a student of the Interuniversity Master’s in Educational Psychology (MIPE) and she is doing her internship and Master’s Final Project at Research Group on Peer Learning (GRAI, by its acronym in Catalan). yvone.acevedo@gmail.com
Zulema Badenes Canet. Graduate in English Studies (Universitat Jaume I). Holder of a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching, and a Master’s in Applied Linguistics for Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (FUNIBER – Iberoamerican University Foundation). She has been working as an English teacher for over 8 years (two of which were in the United Kingdom) and is currently a student in the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Educational Psychology (DIPE). zbadenes@xtec.cat
Clara Bastart Jané. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education and a PhD in Educational Psychology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Currently, she is a primary school teacher. clarabastartjane@gmail.com
Mariona Corcelles Seuba. PhD in Psychology, holds a Degree in Phylosophy. Educational psychology counsellor. Professor at the Educational Psychology Department at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull. Marionacs@blanquerna.url.edu
Marta Flores Coll. PhD in Educational Psychology (UAB), holds a degree in educational psychology (UOC) and primary school teacher (URL). She has worked as a primary school teacher and she is presently a Serra Húnter Fellow at the Department of Educational Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has also works as a teacher training focusing on peer learning and inclusive education. marta.flores@uab.cat
María José Fuentes Stöckle. Graduated in Psychology (University of Concepción, Chile). Diploma in School Coexistence and Socio-emotional Development and in Neurosciences: Biological bases of behavior for education and health (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Currently, she is a student of the Interuniversity Master’s in Educational Psychology (MIPE) and she is doing her internship and Master’s Final Project at Research Group on Peer Learning (GRAI, by its acronym in Catalan). mfuentst15@alumnes.ub.edu
Albert Irigoyen Zaragoza. PhD in Social Science Education (with international distinction). He has a degree in Primary Education, a degree in History, and a Master’s Degree in Secondary and Baccalaureate Teacher Training (URV). He is a substitute professor at URV, a member of ISOCAC research group, editor of the journal Comunicació Educativa, and a trainer in cooperative learning and cooperative pedagogies. albert.irigoyen@alumni.urv.cat
Bibiana Jou Figuereda. Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (UB). She has been Coordinator of Spanish studies at the University of Tel Aviv (Israel) for 15 years and a collaborating professor in teacher training at the UNIBA master’s program and the Cervantes Institute in Tel Aviv. Currently, she works as a research assistant at Esade on a project about entrepreneurial education. She is interested in learning in informal contexts, serendipity, and technology applied in education. bibiana.jou@esade.edu
Ester Miquel Bertran. PhD in Educational Psychology. Serra Húnter Fellow at the Department of Educational Psychology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She also works as a teacher trainer and counsellor from pre-school, primary and secondary school, focusing on peer learning and inclusive education. ester.miquel@uab.cat
Maria Monfort Amat. Graduate in Primary Education (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Currently, she is a student of the Interuniversity Master in Educational Psychology (MIPE) and she is doing her internship at Xarxa de Competències. monfortmariaa@gmail.com
Jesús Ribosa Martínez. PhD in Educational Psychology. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education, specialisation in English as a Foreign Language (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Currently, he is a teacher trainer and tenure-track lecturer in the Department of Basic, Developmental and Educational Psychology. jesus.ribosa@uab.cat
Mireia Soler Miralles. Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education, specialised in English as a Second Language and Special Education (URL). She holds a Master’s Degree of Educational Psychology (MIPE, by its acronym in Catalan and Spanish) and a Master’s Degree in Management of Teaching Centres (UB). She has also worked as a teacher trainer focusing on co-teaching. She has worked as a primary teacher for more than 10 years (two of them in the USA) and she is currently enrolled in the Interinstitutional Doctorate of Educational Psychology (DIPE, by its acronym in Catalan and Spanish). msole429@xtec.cat
Wang, Jingting. Graduated in Early Childhood Education (SXNU, China). She has worked as a Chinese language teacher in an international kindergarten in Singapore. Currently, she is a student of the Interuniversity Master in Educational Psychology (MIPE) and is doing her internship and Master’s thesis at the Xarxa de Competències and the Research Group on Peer Learning (GRAI, by its acronym in Catalan). jwangwan367@alumnes.ub.edu