Peer observation as professional teaching development: Towards a collaborative culture in primary and secondary schools (PeerObserv)
GRAI actively participates in the research Peer Observation as Professional Teaching Development: Towards a Collaborative Culture in Primary and Secondary Schools (PeerObserv), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. PID2020-113719RB-I00).
Peer Observation (PO) is a process that is carried out between pairs of teachers who agree to observe each other in their action in the classroom and then give and receive constructive feedback for reflection and improvement of the teaching practice.
In this project we propose to analyze the effectiveness of PO and offer resources for its application. The ultimate goal is to help create a collaborative culture that promotes peer learning.
Researchers from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de les Illes Balears take part in this study, as well as a large number of primary and secondary school teachers thanks to the support of two ministries of education (Generalitat de Catalunya -in the framework of Xarxa de Competències Bàsiques- and Govern de les Illes Balears).

More information on the research, including findings (research articles, papers and final report), at