The doctoral professor of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), which is part of the UAB GREP, directs and / or tutors Doctoral Thesis related to Psychomotor Skills.

The line of Research in which these Doctoral Theses are framed is “musical, plastic and corporal education” in the field of Musical, Plastic and Corporate Didactics, which is part of the Doctorate in Education at the UAB.

Some of the lines of research that we develop in the Doctoral Theses that we direct and / or tutor are:

– Psychomotor development.

– Psychomotor education in schools.

– Assessment of skills, training and professional development of the psychomotor therapist.

– Assessment of skills, training and professional development of teachers in the field of psychomotor skills.

– Corporeality.

Of the doctoral theses submitted by GREP members, two have been read and 4 more are in progress. All of them aim to give scientific rigor to this discipline and can contribute to its recognition as a profession.