21 / 12 / 18 

Final expositions of Co-Tutorized Learning Projects between university and school.

During the month of December the students of the subject “Educació Psicomotriu in els centers d’Educació Infantil” of the 4th year of the GEI have presented their PAT, where they have designed and carried out in a real school a session of psychomotricity.

This session is designed with the tutorial of both the teachers of the subject (Lurdes Martínez and Laura Moya) and by the teachers-psychomotricists who have received the students to their schools.

To finish this process, the students make a presentation of the session with the children and also expose the pedagogical documentation that they elaborate of it and that they give away in the schools.




30 / 11 / 18

You can already see the video summary of the IX Conference of Reflexió i Recerca: Psicomotricitat i Escola “Els espais”.

On March 2 and 3 the GREP organized the Ninth Reflection and Research Conference: Psychomotricity and School “Els espais” (The spaces).

If you came and you want to remember the experience or you could not attend and you want to know what happened, you can not miss the following video-summaries!


General video-summary of the Trainning Days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDHP61wGg-A&feature=player_embedded

Video-summary of the workshops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEW9gwWlro&feature=share

Video-summary of the communications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luYltiMbCMk&feature=share




18 / 11 / 18

The GREP present in the VI State Congress of Psychomotricity organized by the FAPee.

On Friday 16 and Saturday, November 18, a part of the GREP we attended the VI State Congress of Psychomotricity organized by the FAPee at the Complutense University of Madrid.

We are very happy because from the GREP we have participated in the conference from different perspectives:


–       Lurdes Matrínez and Josep Rota have been part of the scientific committee.

–       Montserrat Antón has held the closing conference entitled: “La mirada psicomotriz que observa, la actitud del adulto que acompaña”.

–       And we have presented the following communications:

Xavi Forcadell, Carme Sánchez and Mar Pérez: La formación práctica o profesional en el postgrado de la UAB: una oportunidad para reflexionar e integrar los conceptos teóricos”.

Paco Cortés and Eva Bru: “Proyecto de Aprendizaje Co-Tutorizado: la influencia de éste en la labor docente de dos maestros-psicomotricistas”.

Josep Rota, Lurdes Martínez and Laura Moya: “Las competencias del trabajo corporal en la formación de psicomotricistas”.

Laura Moya: “Percepción de los maestros de Educación Infantil sobre su corporeidad en relación a su labor docente”.




10 / 11 / 18

The GREP is present at the “II Jornada de Psicomotricitat: el joc espontani, una altra mirada”.


Today, a part of the GREP we have attended the “II Jornada de Psicomotricitat: el joc espontani, una altra mirada” organized by the comrades of the Association of Psychomotricists of Girona.

There we enjoyed the magnificent presentations of our colleague Josep Rota of the GREP and also of Montse Castellano and Jorge Barudy. It is great to be able to listen to his contributions about spontaneous play in Psychomotor skills, reflecting a great theoretical-practical background!

We have also been able to reconnect with some ex-students of our Psychomotor Development Postgraduate. What a joy to find ourselves now as psychomotricists!




04 / 10 / 18

Starting point for the XVI Edition of the Postgraduate in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years.

We officially started the teaching of our postgraduate in Psychomotor Development with a session of Body Work in the gym of the Faculty with Josep Rota, Lurdes Martínez and Laura Moya.




25 / 09 / 18

Inauguration of the XVI Postgraduate and closing of the XV edition with a conference by Nuria Franch.

Today we have inaugurated the 16th edition of our postgraduate course in “Desenvolupament psicomotor de 0 a 8 anys” and closed the edition number XV.

As every year, we offer a conference and this year the person in charge has been Núria Franch with the presentation “Reflexions sobre la Psicomotricitat. (Literatura i Psicomotricitat)”.




20 / 09 / 18

Inaugural Conference XVI Graduate in Psychomotor Free Development!

On September 25 we inaugurated the 16th edition of our postgraduate course “Desenvolupament psicomotor de 0 a 8 anys” and closed the XV.

To celebrate, we will enjoy a magnificent conference by Nuria Franch entitled “Reflexions en Psicomotricitat (Literature and Psychomotricity)”.

The conference is free and you just have to confirm attendance. How?

Through email by sending an email to pg.desenvolupament.psicomotor@uab.cat or by clicking on “Assistiré” in the following Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/479133062591897/




08 / 09 /18

The GREP present at the XI National Congress of Formative and Shared Evaluation at the University of Córdoba.

We started the new 2018-2019 course with new projects in our hands!

Our colleagues Lurdes Martínez, Laura Moya and Paco Cortés have presented two communications in the XI National Congress of Formative and Shared Evaluation that has been held at the University of Córdoba.

The communications presented evaluation experiences that we carried out in the subject “Educació Psicomotriu en els centers d’Educació Infantil” of the 4th year of the Degree in Early Childhood Education of the UAB.




06 / 09 / 18

New course, new projects!

We started the new 2018-2019 course with new projects in our hands!

We have held the first meeting of the ARMIF project of the MIF Program on the training of psychomotor professional skills of teachers together with the University of Girona, the University of Vic and the University of Zaragoza.





29 / 07 / 18

New article! “The psychomotricity of an interdisciplinary view” in the In-fàn-ci-a magazine.

Our colleagues Paco Cortés and Laura Moya have published the article “La psicomotricitat desde una mirada interdisciplinària” to nº 223 (July-August) of In-fàn-ci-a magazine.





07 / 07 / 18

The course “Psychomotricitat: eines i recursos per portar-la a la pràctica”, a success!

From the 2nd to the 6th of July our colleague Xavi Forcadell has carried out the course “La psicomotricitat: eines i recursos per a la pràctica” in the ICE of the UAB.

The course was held in the gymnasium of our faculty and we were able to share ideas, experiences and experiences with a score of professionals from the educational field.




06 / 07 / 18

One more year, the GREP has been present at # CIMIE18!

The GREP has been present for another year at the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Research in Education (# CIMIE18) at the University of Zaragoza. And this year twice!

On the one hand, we presented the communication “La documentación pedagógica como Herramienta de aprendizaje en la formación inicial de los maestros de Educación Infantil a través de Proyectos de Aprendizaje tutorizados” by Laura Moya, Paco Cortés, Lurdes Martínez and Carol Nieva, in the Theme of Teacher Training.

And, on the other hand, Laura Moya has coordinated the Didactics of Physical Education along with José Antonio Julián from the University of Zaragoza.

Finished the # CIMIE18 already with the look put in the next # CIMIE19 that will be celebrated in the University of Lleida! We continue working to spread our research contributing to research in Education with scientific evidence and to have an impact on psychomotricity and teacher training.



08 / 06 / 18

End of course in the Postgraduate Program in “Desenvolupament psicomotor de 0 a 8 anys”.

On Tuesday, June 8, the students of the XV Edition of our Postgraduate in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years have finished the classes.

A whole summer is left to finish preparing their individual works that will be delivered in September and will defend in October.

Good summer for everyone!




12 / 05 / 18

The AGAUR grants the ARMIF-2017 research grant.

The AGAUR has made public the resolutions of the calls of aid of investigation for the improvement of the initial formation of teachers (ARMIF 2017) and the GREP are of congratulations because one of the aids granted is for our project: “Autoavaluació de competències dels estudiants i desenvolupament professional dels mestres. Millora de la pràctica i innovació docent treballant per projectes d’aprenentatge psicomotors co-tutoritzats universitat-escola”.

In this project we continue with all the work done up to now in teaching and research about the “Projectes d’Aprenentatge Tutoritzats” (PAT) que realitzem en l’assignatura “Educació Psicomotriu en els centres d’Educació Infantil”, where the students must carry out a session of psychomotor skills co-supervised by the faculty of the university and by teachers-psychomotricists. A clear example where university and school work hand in hand in the teacher’s initial training.

This year as a novelty in the field of research we have the collaboration of the University of Vic and the University of Zaragoza (which are added to the project including the PAT in their subject) and the University of Girona with which we already collaborated in the first ARMIF awarded to us in 2014.

For more information about the MIF Program and the ARMIF aids: https://mif.cat/





11 / 05 / 18

Lurdes Martínez’s “Moure’s per transformar i aprendre” conference.

Today, the Lurdes Martínez of the GREP has held the “Moure’s per aprendre” conference on the “IX Jornades 0-6: Créixer en moviment” organized by the ICE of the UdG and the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Udg.



10 / 05 / 18

The first anniversary of our book: “Psicomotricitat, escola i currículum”.

A year ago our book “Psicomotricitat, escola i curriculum” indispensable for teachers and psychomotor professionals!

And if you do not have it, you can find it at: https://www.octaedro.com/…/psicomotricitat–escola-i-c…/1604 or any nearby library!




09 / 05 / 18

The registration period for the 16th edition of the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years begins.

On March 15th, the registration application period for the new edition of our Postgraduate course in “Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years” begins, no more than the 16th!

If you want to train as a psychomotive on 2018-2019, our postgraduate course can be the training you’re looking for!

To register, you must send us your CV (with photo) and a text explaining the reasons why you want to study this postgraduate course at: pg.desenvolupament.psicomotor@uab.cat 

If you need more information or have any questions, you can send us an email to this email address or consult the following link: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grepuab/ca/content/postgrau-de-desenvolupament-psicomotor-de-0-8-anys  




08 / 05 / 18

Registration for the Master’s Degree in Research in Education.

If you want to train in research in education, at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona we offer the Master’s Degree in Research in Education (MURE) where the GREP collaborates in the specialty “Art, Body and Movement”.

This is the only official Master’s in the whole of Spain that envisages psychomotor and research!

If you want to train as a researcher in the field of education and especially in psychomotor activity, this may be the training you are looking for!

For more information you can contact the coordination of this specialty:

    ✔️ Lurdes Martinez

    ✔️ E-mail: Master.recerca.educacio.expressio@uab.cat 

Or consult the following link:  http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grepuab/ca/content/m%C3%A0ster-universitari-de-recerca-en-educaci%C3%B3-art-cos-i-moviment




07 / 05 / 18

Participation in the UAB internal seminar of the UAB on evaluation.

Lurdes Martínez has presented at the UAB Nursing Education degree seminar, two of the assessment tools we use in the  “Educació Psicomotriu en els centres d’Educació Infantil” of the 4th year of the GEI: “Escala d’autovaloració de competències professionals psicomotrius” and “Diagrama de Bitàcola Competencial”.





05 / 05 / 18

The GREP is present at the 4th Symposium on “Psychomotricity. 35 years of training “.

On Saturday, May 5th, 18th “Psychomotricity Workshops. 35 years of training” were organized by the University of Vic and the AEC Expression and Communication.

Members of the GREP have participated as assistants, speakers and organizers. And at the end of the conference, Montserrat Anton moderated an interview with Katty Homar and Josep Rota. What a great closure!

Colleagues from the University of Vic and the AEC Expression and Communication for the organization of these days!





25 / 04 / 18

Course “Psychomotricity: tools and resources to carry it into practice” from July 2 to 6 at the ICE of the UAB.

It is close to the end of the year and, as you know, in July, it is a good time for permanent training.

If you want to do summer training on motor skills, you can consult the course “Psychomotricity: tools and resources to take it into practice” that will be carried out by our team Xavi Forcadell from the GREP from July 2 to 6!

For more information (schedules, content, place of accomplishment …) you can consult the following link of the ICE of the UAB: http://www.uab.cat/web/sala-de-premsa/detall-de-noticia/cursos-d-estiu-per-a-professorat-no-universitari-1345667174054.html?noticiaid=1345753924966

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07 / 04 / 18

New edition of the postgraduate course in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years for the 2018-2019 course!

On May 15 we open the registration application period for the XVI edition of the Postgraduate Diploma in “Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years” that will begin in September 2018!

If you want to know more, take a look at the informative brochure you will find on the following link: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/grepuab/en/content/postgrau-development-psicomotor-de-0-8-anys

If you have any questions, you can write to pg.desenvolupament.psicomotor@uab.cat





05 / 03 / 18

PhD Doctoral Seminar Ange Ruiz and Dr. Javier Abad.

Today, members of the GREP have attended the research seminar organized by the “Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression”, for PhDs and researchers from the Department, with Dr. Javier Abad and the Dra. Ange Ruiz.

We presented their searches and how from these have gone (and are) rethinking, innovating and reflecting their proposal of Game Installations. A clear example of how research is important for understanding reality and educational innovation.

It is a pleasure to share and exchange with them the experiences of research, teacher training and classroom intervention!




04 / 03 /18

The 9th Reflection and Research Seminar: Psychomotricity and School “The spaces” have been very successful!

On 2 and 3 March, the GREP organized the 9th Reflection and Research Conference: Psychomotricity and School “The spaces” and the whole team, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks for the participation and involvement of all those attending the conference as well as the Collaboration with lecturers, shopkeepers, communicators and support staff.

There have been intense days, where we have been able to share and reflect on the psychomotor activity and the spaces. Nearly 200 attendees, 4 conferences, 6 practice-body workshops and 22 communications of educational experiences and research!

For us it is a pleasure to meet us with so many familiar faces that have accompanied us in previous days and / or editions of our postgraduate course in “Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years” and, also, a pleasure to find us with new faces who have lived for the first time one of our days.

We hope to return to meet again in the next #JornadesPsicoUAB2020 that are already underway!




26 / 02 / 18

Members of the GREP have participated in a training course with Bernard Aucouturier at the URV.

Members of the GREP have participated on 23, 24 and 25 April in a training given by Professor Bernard Aucouturier within the framework of the “Master’s Degree in Education and Psychomotor Therapy” of the URV.

In particular, they have participated in the seminar “Therapeutic psychomotor assistance: theoretical and practical applications”, in the supervision of a case of psychomotor therapy and in a Personal Training course.

From the GREP we want to congratulate the organization of the master’s degree for this very interesting and enriching training!





03 / 02 / 18

The GREP is presenting a lecture at the 2nd Educongress 2018 Conference “Emotional! Learning and the Arts in Child Education 0-6.”

On February 2, our colleagues Montserrat Anton, Mar Pérez and Lurdes Martínez were the speakers of the conference “Psychomotricity and emotions at school” at the II Jornadas Educongress 2018 “Emotional! Learning and Arts Education Children 0-6 “.

Congratulations for the conference and the good work!




29 / 01 / 18

New materials at the gym of the faculty.

We have inaugurated the 2018 with new materials for one of the gymnasiums of the faculty. Thanks to the UAB’s financial support to improve the facilities of the faculty, the Teaching Unit of Corporal Education has been able to incorporate new materials for the teaching that it makes to the degrees, postgraduate and master’s degrees. In particular, a swing, a hammock, an acrobatic cloth and a triple scale has been installed.

In the images you can see how the students of the Postgraduate in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 years have successfully released the new material.
