
Rafael Tasis Marca (Barcelona, 1906 – Paris, 1966) developed a highly prolific literary activity as a journalist, critic, writer, playwright, historian and translator. He was leader of the Catalan political party Acció Catalana Republicana and was involved in the administration of the Catalan national government Generalitat de Catalunya during the war — first, as a general secretary of the party and then in the official policy of the first exile.

He was self-educated and began writing for the children’s magazine La Mainada and for pre-war prestigious publications such as La Publicitat, Mirador or Revista de Catalunya as a columnist and literary critic. He became a famous novelist thanks to his work Vint anys (1931). In 1948, he came back from his exile in Paris and was a frequent collaborator of the magazines in exile and actively participated in the resistance against the Franco dictatorship. He worked on various literary trends. As a novelist, he published Sol ponent (1953), Abans d’ahir (1956) and Tres (1962) and wrote the crime novels La Bíblia valenciana (1955), És hora de plegar (1956) and Un crim al Paral·lel (1960). As a playwright, he is the author of Un home entre herois  (1956), Gulliver i els gegants (1952) and La maleta (1960). He also worked on history, writing La vida del rei en Pere III (1954) and Joan I, rei, caçador i music (1958). He is the author of various literary essays, such as Una visió de conjunt de la novel·la catalana (1935) or La novel·la catalana (1954), or Història de la premsa catalana (1966), the latter written in collaboration with Joan Torrent.

In the 30s, Rafael Tasis translated El retrat de Dorian Gray, the sole novel by Oscar Wilde; La nimfa constant, an Europe-wide success by Margaret Kennedy; and El somriure de la Gioconda by Aldous Huxley, a writer he personally met and appreciated, and of whom he published the version of After Many A Summer a year before his death. He was an avid reader of crime novels and, in the 60s, Rafael Tasis translated classical works such as La clau de vidre (1963), by Dashiell Hammett, for the collection La Cua de Palla. He also translated drama, as the free adaption of Volpone (1957), by Ben Jonson, and La sala d’estar (1962), a comedy by Graham Greene. Some of his translations remained unpublished, as El joglar del món occidental, by J. M. Synge (published in 2014 by Dolors Udina), L’Apol·lo de Bellac, by Jean Giraudoux (played by the theatre company Agrupació Dramàtica de Barcelona), Les maletes del senyor Vernet, a comedy by Claude Megnier, and Assaigs d’un biòleg, by Julian Huxley.

The collection is a donation from Rafael Tasis’ family and is kept at the library Biblioteca d’Humanitats at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. It includes abundant documents: press scraps, political and literary projects, letters to journalists and unfinished or unpublished works.

I Seminari Rafael Tasis (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 9th March 2016)

II Seminari Rafael Tasis (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 9th March 2018) 

Some of these works have been recently published.

Constel·lació tasiana: contextos i relacions

Rafael Tasis

Constel·lació tasiana: contextos i relacions

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura, IEC 

Collection «Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura», 16, 2018

ISBN: 978-84-9965-429-4


Rafael Tasis

Rafael Tasis Diari (1922)

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat

Collection «Biblioteca Serra d’Or», 497, 2017

ISBN: 978-84-9883-921-0

Rafael Tasis (1906-1966), cinquanta anys després

Rafael Tasis

Rafael Tasis (1906-1966), cinquanta anys després

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí, Francesc Foguet and Àlex Martín

Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura, IEC

Collection «Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Llengua i Literatura», 12, 2016

ISBN: 978-84-9965-338-9

Rafael Tasis -
Lectures de postguerra

Rafael Tasis

Lectures de postguerra

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat

Collection «Biblioteca Serra d’Or», 491, 2016

ISBN: 978-84-9883-841-1

360 p.

Muntaner 4

Rafael Tasis

Muntaner, 4

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Editorial Ensiola

Collection «Ensiola Narrativa», 28, 2015

ISBN: 978-84-942075-7-0

232 p.


Rafael Tasis

A reculons

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Cossetània Edicions

Collection «Biblioteca de Tots colors», 9, 2015

ISBN: 978-84-9034-374-6

136 p.

El revulsiu del catalanisme

Rafael Tasis

El revulsiu del catalanisme

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

 Cossetània Edicions

 Collection «Memòria del Segle XX», 27, 2015

 ISBN: 978-84-9034-341-8

 254 p.


 Aldous Huxley

Carretera enllà

Translation by Rafael Tasis

Edited by Dolors Udina

Editorial Adesiara

Collection «D’ací i d’allà», 37, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-92405-74-9

224 p.


John Millington Synge

El joglar del món occidental

Translation by Rafael Tasis

Edited by Dolors Udina

Editorial Punctum

Collection «Versions», 2, 2012

ISBN: 978-84-940694-1-3

76 p.


Rafael Tasis

Les raons de l’exili

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Editorial Cossetània

Collection «Memòria del segle XX», 19, 2012

ISBN: 978-84-15456-43-8

304 p., 13,3 x 21 cm


Pere Calders

Fe de vida. Cartes a Rafael Tasis

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Editorial Acontravent

Collection «Abans d’ara», 27, 2012

ISBN: 9788415720034

230 p.


Rafael Tasis

Diari íntim. Escrits autobiogràfics

Edited by Montserrat Bacardí and Francesc Foguet

Editorial Acontravent

Collection «Abans d’ara», 21, 2012

ISBN: 9788493972202

428 p., 21 cm


Rafael Tasis i Ramon Xuriguera

L’espantós és el buit, el desert

Edited by Josep Camps i Arbós

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2010

ISBN: 9788498833232

264 p.