David Rosenthal is one of the most distinguished figures of the Catalan translation into English. He was a poet, essayist and critic who travelled to Barcelona in the early 70s. He soon felt attracted by Catalan language and literature. He would often come back and he established himself there for long periods of time. He got to know some of the most important poets and writers of the 20th century thanks to to his passion to read and to personally contact the authors. He translated authors such as Rodoreda, Perucho, Joan Sales, Estellés or Foix, as well as anthologies made up by pieces of various authors. One of his main works was the translation of Tirant lo Blanc (paperbacks were published both in the United Kingdom and in the United States).

Thanks to the compilation of his legacy, a first digitalisation of his working notepads could be made. They include the manuscript of Tirant lo Blanc and the manuscripts of Incerta Glòria and El carrer de les camèlies (all of which can be consulted at the Biblioteca d’Humanitats of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Other documents, such as the correspondence between various Catalan authors or even his own private correspondence, will probably be included to the legacy. The collection also contains copies of his works and translations.

Part of the collection can be consulted here:
