If a term occurs frequently in a text, accompany the term by its abbreviation the first time the term occurs and just use the abbreviation in all further references.
On the other hand, if the term only occurs once in the text, there is usually no need to give the abbreviation at all.
Note, too, that terms in the title of a text should not be accompanied by their abbreviation. However, there are texts in which you should add an abbreviation after a term even though the term only occurs once. One case is legal texts, where for the sake of precision and clarity the abbreviation is as important to include as the full term.
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The University of Barcelona Virtual Museum (MVUB) declines any liability resulting from the incorrect use of this website. |
Another case is a text in which the full term is not as useful to the reader as the abbreviation. In some institutions, for example, writers often translate the full names of organisations to help non-native readers but those translations are not used by other institutions. In such cases, the original-language abbreviation becomes particularly important for the reader as an identifier, as in the example of the Centre de Recerca d’Alta Muntanya (CRAM) below.
A further case is a text in which the full term is not as reliable as the abbreviation. On the web, for example, a research organisation called the Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal is variously rendered as the Animal Biodiversity Resource Centre, the Resource Centre for Animal Biodiversity and the Centre for Resources in Animal Biodiversity. In such cases, add the full term’s official abbreviation (in this case,CRBA) even after an isolated reference.
Finally, however, do not use abbreviations simply because they make a text look more official and without considering whether the reader really has anything to gain by them.
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I would like to express my gratitude to you and your colleagues for having invited our institution to the Third International Exhibition and Conference on Higher Education (IECHE 2012). |
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