An agreement is a written document in which two or more parties establish mutual obligations for the conduct of a shared project.


1. Title

The title identifies the type of agreement and can also name the parties and state the main objective of the agreement.

2. Participants

This section identifies the parties signing the agreement by their full name, position and institution. It also makes reference to their power to represent their institution or act individually. Introduce it with the expression by and between, centred in bold, capital letters. Each party should be given a separate paragraph.

Close this section with a sentence confirming that all the parties signing the agreement acknowledge the others’ ability to enter the agreement.

3. Recitals

This section sets out, in separate and numbered paragraphs, the precedents, the willingness of the signatories, the legal framework and everything that needs to be taken into consideration. Introduce it with the word state, centred in bold, capital letters, and start each of the following paragraphs with the word That.

4. Clauses

This section includes the specific clauses agreed to by the parties. Use the word clauses, centred in bold, capital letters as the title of the section and a numbered heading for each clause.

5. Close

Close the document with a sentence acknowledging where and when the agreement was signed.

6. Signatures

This section should include the signature, name, position and institution for each of the parties signing the agreement.



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