One of the foundations of this group is that it is made up of some of the most renowned active translators in the country, whose extensive work has earned them various prizes. Likewise, in their roles as lecturers and researchers, the group’s members have analysed the translations of their predecessors and contemporaries: Josefina Caball has studied those of Jordi Arbonès; Elena Carné, those of Montserrat Abelló; Ramon Farrés, those of Elias Canetti and Paul Celan; and Dolors Udina those of Maria-Mercè Marçal. Furthermore, the monographic project La impossibilitat possible. La traducció als Països Catalans (1975-2005) (The Possible Impossibility: Translation in Catalonia (1975-2005)) is a milestone in the study of Catalan translation in the past thirty years, to which greater depth will be added by other detailed contributions.