Numerous contributions from the members of this line of research have focused on the study of translation under the harsh conditions of Franco’s Spain, during which Catalan translation was banned for practically two decades, until the start of the 1960s. Montserrat Bacardí has studied the translations of Don Quixote by Joan Sales and Ramon Folch i Camarasa; Carles Biosca has studied the translations of Maria Aurèlia Capmany; Maria Elena Carné has focused on those of Jordi Arbonès and Montserrat Abelló; Ramon Farrés on the translations of Antoni Pous; Judit Fontcuberta on the translations of Josep Maria de Sagarra, Joan Oliver and Bonaventura Vallespinosa; and Francesc Parcerisas on the translations of Carles Riba and Marià Villangómez.